Saturday, May 16, 2009

Dinner with Kellogg Students from Ghana...

We had dinner last night with two Kellogg students from Ghana - Nana Banful and Abdul-Nasser Alidu (Nas). We really wanted to speak with them about Ghana before our trip, and ideally enjoy some traditional Ghanaian food. Nana graciously made two delicious dishes - wakye, a combination of rice, beans, and coconut milk, and a beef stew that had incredible flavor with a little bit of kick. We are now really excited about trying more Ghanaian foods, but Nana warned us that her food is better than most!

We had a wonderful evening of fellowship with eating and sharing stories. Nana and Nas told us about their families, places to visit in Ghana, and different foods to try when we are there.

One of the most interesting and funny stories was about Malaria. In the US there is a scary and deadly perception about Malaria (which can be fatal if not treated), but in Ghana, Malaria is as common as the flu (and has similar symptoms). Nas told us that when he first arrived at Kellogg he wasn't feeling very well and went to the Northwestern clinic. He told the doctor that he thought he may have Malaria. The startled doctor asked Nas if he had ever had Malaria, and Nas casually replied that he has had Malaria several times. The doctor (now very freaked) asked Nas when the last time was that he had Malaria, and Nas told him that it had been a few months. The doctor really didn't know how to respond to this, but he gave Nas the required medicine.

Nana and Nas are so fun and friendly. We're excited to meet more Ghanaians and experience their culture firsthand! They told us about a good Ghanaian restaurant in downtown Chicago called "Auntie Grace". We are going to schedule a date to visit it together. Can't wait!

Loralynne and Nana

Sam and Nas

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